Monday, October 5, 2009

The Height of "Death Culture"

I drove past a Planned Parenthood in Collegeville, PA today. A small little place next to a bank and across the street from a grocery store. It could have been a Geico agent for all I knew. Had it not been for the three women holding signs I may have never known of the true evil spilling from the doors and windows of that building.

I approached the women after parking in the lot. “What is your mission today?” I asked them. They pointed at the building and to their shirts. 51 million abortions since 1973, the year Roe v. Wade went into effect. “You want to stop abortion?” I asked. Of course they did.

Well there is some common ground. I certainly don’t want people to have get abortions. I always assumed that the people who get abortions don’t really WANT to get them either.

“Oh good,” I said. “I’d like to eventually eliminate the need for abortions as well. I guess you all agree with me about the need for safe sex education?”

“No way! Abstinence and chastity is the only way!” Perhaps my new friends did not realize how much abstinence education has failed. Perhaps they were unaware of the study which shows that Evangelical Christian girls are just as likely to have sex as other girls and more likely to engage in oral and anal sex. Maybe I could explain to them that with safe sex education, the need for abortions decreases drastically.

“There is no safe sex! Sex is a sacrament reserved for marriage,” said the woman with a moustache. “It is God’s will.”

And there it is.

The ultimate and omnipotent trump card. Why would anyone listen to the beliefs of some 22-year-old dingle berry when they had the word of God on their side? Who would I expect them to believe? Me or a book written by people who thought their sperm was made up of tiny little people? When the debate comes down to what I say versus the words of the creator of everything, how could I expect to make any impression on these God fearing folk?

My ignorance was exposed even further when the secret goal of Planned Parenthood was revealed to me. The women explained to me that the organization’s purpose was to profit off of taxpayer money and the abortions they perform. Apparently the organization gives young girls bad condoms with the hope of those girls getting pregnant. Unwanted pregnancy means another trip to Planned Parenthood, which means an abortion, which means Cha-Ching.

It’s so simple! All you have to do is convince thousands of girls to have sex, hand out cheap condoms that you know will break, allow the girl to get pregnant, assume she will want an abortion, hope she decides to have that abortion at Planned Parenthood, and wait for the gravy train to roll into the station. It’s almost too easy.

But why abortions? Why not become a stockbroker or sell Snuggies? Well the answer to that question is even simpler. Planned Parenthood is doing the work of the Evil One. That’s right. Satan. Lucifer. Beelzebub, The Devil, El Diablo, The Prince of Darkness, Old Scratch!

But it doesn’t end there.

The “death culture” reaches all the way to the White House, where we have a President who wasn’t even born in America! How else can you explain his… brown skin and… foreign sounding name? “Where’s Obama’s birth certificate?” the women wanted to know. “I assume Hawaii?” I responded.

“Did you know that 9/11 was committed by Muslims?” They asked me. I said yes, I knew it was either Muslims or Mormons. “Well, isn’t it curious that our President has a name like Barack Hussein Obama?”

To summarize: The illegitimate, Muslim, Socialist President is working with Planned Parenthood to get young girls pregnant so they must get abortions. And all of this is the work of Satan.

In the end, I was the one who needed educating. It wasn’t my fault though. I was born in 1987, long after the “death culture” started. I just can’t be expected to know any better.

Perhaps there is something to take away from this. When someone’s religion is involved, there is nothing anyone can say or show or prove to change that someone’s mind. These people will fight until the day they die against the evil they see. When that evil reaches all the way to the Presidency, one wonders just how far someone will take his or her fight.

Since Barack Obama came into office, death threats against the President have gone up 700%. When a substantial group of people truly believe he is not a real American and wants to murder unborn babies, what are they willing to do? How long will it be until the wrong person really takes this nonsense to heart?

When people are cheering at the failure of Obama to snag the Olympics for the U.S. one has to wonder who would cheer if something violent happened.

Surely the Pro-Life people at Planned Parenthood would be against that? Perhaps not. Because this is a culture war. And as they told me, death in war is a different issue.